
= rod 

What is gender? 

Gender is a linguistic category. Each noun in the Czech language has a gender. It is important to understand this concept as other grammatical phenomenon (ie. form of adjectives, declensions) depend on the gender of the noun. There are three genders:

  • masculine
  • feminine
  • neuter

In addition to these, masculine can be either animate or inanimate. 

  • masculine animate (Ma): refers to what is alive (people and animals, e.g.Emir, fotograf, pes)
  • masculine inanimate (Mi): refers to what is not alive (things and places, e.g. hotel, supermarket)
How to determine gender? 

1/ names of people and animals - these words usually follow the "natural gender", for example: 

  • masculine: Adam (male name), pes (dog), muž (man), student (male student), učitel (male teacher)
  • feminine: Anna (female name), žena (woman), kočka (cat)

2/ other nouns

Gender of these nouns is determined based on the ending of the word, that is on the last letter of the word. Typical endings are as follows: 

  • masculine: consonant (Adam, hotel,park)
  • feminine: a or e/ě (Anna, pošta, restaurace, kolegyně)
  • neuter: o or í (auto, metro, nádraží)

Less typical endings are:

  • masculine: a (kolega)
  • feminine: consonant (usually a soft one - kancelář, tramvaj)
  • neuter: iště (parkoviště)

The rules for determining the gender of the noun are more complicated but for now, this basic rule is sufficient for us.

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