Construction with rád I (mít rád)

In this article, we will explain how rád is used when followed by a noun and what meaning it carries.

This phrase is used when we want to say we like something or someone. Let's use the example: Mám rád kávu. which translates to English as I like coffee. You can see the sentence consists of two parts: mít rád and the object (kávu). 

Let's talk about each part separately.

Mít rád
This is the part of the phrase that expresses who likes the object. Therefore, the verb mít has to be conjugated. (e.g. mám rád - I like, máš rád - you like, má rád - he likes etc.).
Rád changes based on the gender of the speaker or the person we are talking about and ot goes as follows:
rád - masculine (e.g. Mám rád kávu.)
ráda - feminine (e.g. Mám ráda kávu.)
rádi - plural (e.g. Máme rádi kávu.)


Second part of the sentence is the object, it expresses what or who is liked. The object has to be a noun in accusative.

For example: Mám ráda čokoládu. - I like chocolate.


If we want to express we do not like something, we add the prefix ne- to the verb mít

For example: 

Nemám ráda kávu. - I do not like coffee.

Nemá ráda černý čaj. - She doesn't like black tea.

Nemáme rádi české jídlo. - We do not like Czech food. 

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